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The Benefits of Music Lessons: Part 2

Updated: Feb 28, 2023

Music lessons at Amplified Music School can help improve spatial reasoning Image:

  • You will be able to find your way out of dense forests - with enhanced spatial reasoning

Research into music education shows a clear link between music and spatial intelligence, which helps us to form mental pictures of things and accurately perceive the world around us.

Studies have proven that Learning to Make Music Enhances Spatial Reasoning this is the ability to mentally visualise how something should look.

This researcher considered 15 studies that measured the relationship between music instruction and spatial outcomes. Spatial memory, recognition, rotation, and spatial visualisation were all found to be enhanced by music instruction.

  • Knowledge of object categories and attributes allows children to organise things mentally and physically in their world.

  • Spatial awareness and spatial relations allow children to locate objects and navigate successfully in their environments.

  • Using spatial language allows children to express their needs and concerns and describe and discuss the world around them

How is your spatial reasoning? Could music lessons at Amplified Music School Warrington help?!

Music Lessons at Amplified Music School can improve your memory Image:

  • You won’t forget that thing – with improved memory and concentration skills

Learning an instrument requires you to focus on things like pitch, rhythm, sound quality, and duration. When playing in a group you must focus not only on your own sound but the sound and timing of the others in the group.

These concentration skills will also improve memory and listening.

Studies show that musically trained children perform better at attention and memory recall tasks and have greater activation in brain regions related to attention control and auditory encoding, and executive functions.

These functions are known to be associated with improved reading, higher resilience, greater creativity, and a better quality of life.

Amplified music lessons are the gift that really keeps giving, with studies finding that these benefits to memory can last well into adulthood.

Listening to and performing music reactivates areas of the brain associated with memory, reasoning, speech, emotion, and reward.

Studies have found that music doesn't just help us retrieve stored memories, it also helps us lay down new ones. A Harvard University study found that healthy older people scored better on tests of memory and reasoning skills after they had completed several weekly classes in which they did a moderate physical exercise to musical accompaniment. Music can boost memory and mood - Harvard Health

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